In Recent News by Lara MalodobryLeave a Comment

Topdrill had a very successful 2 days at the RailLIVE 2016 show, where we got to showcase our two specialist rigs, the LLAMR® and the B.A.T.S® rigs.

There was a certain buzz at the event about the capabilities of our equipment and how it can improve Safety and Productivity on site.  For more information on our innovative rigs see our drilling services pages for further details.

Our LLAMR® rig proved to be very popular as we are able to get to and set up at most positions you could walk to, along with our B.A.T.S® rig being 100% HAVS free.

During the event, there was a large amount of technical interest from Universities, Technical Development teams and Network Rail.  The only thing left now is for us to prove to you how fantastic our innovations can be for your projects.

If we missed you at the show or you would like more information on how our services can benefit your project, please get in touch.

In return for leaving your business card, we held a lucky draw for a bottle of Champagne.


The lucky winner is was Graham Humphries from Torrent – Well done Graham!

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